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Aphanothece microscopica Cyanobacteria Outer Hebrides

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Phylum: Cyanobacteria   Family: Microcystaceae

Aphanothece microscopica C.W. von Nägeli 1849

First described and illustrated by Nägeli (1849: 59, pl. 1: H). Usually found in amorphous groups that can reach 2 cm across.
Cell dimensions: L: 5-9 µm; B: 3.5-5 µm.
Widespread but infrequently recorded. Found with plankton, benthos and epiphytic on aquatics.

John, D.M., Whitton, B.A. & Brook, A.J. (2011 second edition). The Freshwater Algal Flora of the British Isles.
Joosten, A.M.T. (2006). Flora of the Blue-green Algae of the Netherlands. 1 The non-filamentous species of inland waters.
Nägeli, C.W. von (1849). Gattungen einzelliger Algen, physiologisch und systematisch bearbeitet.