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Staurodesmus corniculatus</em> var. <em>spinigerus Desmid Species Outer Hebrides

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Phylum: Charophyta   Family: Desmidiaceae

Staurodesmus corniculatus var. spinigerus (W. West) H.T. Croasdale 1957

First described and illustrated by West (1892: 171, pl. 22: 12) as Staurastrum corniculatum var. spinigerum. It was much later transferred to the current genus by Croasdale (1957: 124). It differs from the nominate in its smaller size and supporting short spines at the apical angles. In their later flora, West & West (1912: 164) note under the nominate variety: “St. corniculatum is a very rare Desmid. But the following variety [spinigerum], although rare, appears to be widely distributed.”
Cell dimensions: L: 23-30 µm; B: 17-26 µm.; Is: 9-13 µm; Sp: 2-4.
A rare species found in slightly acidic waters, usually in the plankton of mesotrophic shallow lochs. It would appear to have an Atlantic distribution.

Croasdale, H.T. (1957). Freshwater algae of Alaska I. Some Desmids from the Interior. Part 3 Cosmariae concluded.
West, W. (1892). A contribution to the freshwater algae of west Ireland.
West, W. & West, G.S. (1912).. A Monograph of the British Desmidiaceae, Volume 4.