Phylum: Charophyta Family: Mesotaeniaceae
Netrium minutum S. Ohtani 1990
First described and illustrated by Ohtani (1990: 39, figs 36-39). The main features are a cylindrical mid-region with broadly rounded apices.
Cell dimensions: L: 70-125 µm; B: 22-28 µm; L/B: 2.5-4.0.
Found in acidic habitats, especially in Sphagnum bogs. Being a relatively new taxon, its distribution and status in the Outer Hebrides is unknown.
Coesel, P.F.M. & Meesters, K.J. (2023 second edition). Desmids of the Lowlands.
Ohtani, S. (1990). A Taxonomic Revision of the Genus Netrium (Zygnematales, Chlorophyceae).
Van Westen, M. (2024). Sieralgen in Drenthe.