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Staurastrum lapponicum Desmid Species Outer Hebrides

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Phylum: Charophyta   Family: Desmidiaceae

Staurastrum lapponicum (Schmidle) R. Grönblad 1926

First described and illustrated by Schmidle (1898: 57, pl. 3: 5) as Staurastrum punctulatum var. muricatiforme forma lapponicum. It was later raised to species level by Grönblad (1926: 29, pl. 2: 106-107). The size of the granules varies and in some populations are barely visible.
Cell dimensions: L: 30-44 µm; B: 30-42 µm; Is: 8.2-9.6 µm.
An acidophile, rather common in the phytoplankton.

Coesel, P.F.M. & Meesters, K.J. (2013). European Flora of the Desmid Genera Staurastrum and Staurodesmus.
Grönblad, R. (1926) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Desmidaceen Schlesiens.
Schmidle, W. (1898) Über einige von Knut Bohlin in Pite Lappmark und Vesterbotten gesammelte Süsswasseralgen.