Phylum: Charophyta Family: Mesotaeniaceae
Cylindrocystis cushleckae A.J. Brook 1994
First described and illustrated by Brook (1994: 230, figs 1-7). Brook’s diagnosis: “Cells narrow, cylindrical, occasionally slightly curved, with rounded to truncate-rounded ends. Mostly with a single chloroplast with a distinct median notch in which the cell nucleus lies. Chloroplast dissected, axile-stelloid, with 4 longitudinal lamellae (rarely 5) disposed at right angles, thus appearing as a cross in apical view. Four to eight pyrenoids evenly spaced down the axis of chloroplast. Cell walls smooth, colourless. Zygospore not known.”
Cell dimensions: L: 24- 48 µm; B: 7.5-11 µm; L/B: 2.5-4.8.
A rare desmid that may have been overlooked or misidentified previously. Named after the collection site: Cushlecka bog, Malaranny, County Mayo, Ireland.
Brook, A.J. (1994). Cylindrocystis cushleckae, a new species of saccoderm desmid (Family Mesotaeniaceae).
Brook, A.J. & Williamson, D.B. (2010). A Monograph on some British Desmids.
Coesel, P.F.M. & Meesters, K.J. (2023 second edition). Desmids of the Lowlands.