Phylum: Charophyta Family: Desmidiaceae
Cosmarium subochthodes var. majus W. Schmidle 1898
First described and illustrated by Schmidle (1898: 36, pl. 1: 51). This is one of several taxa associated with the doubtful C. subochthodes. See Kouwets (in manuscript) for a detailed review of this complex. He proposes to rename this taxon as C. arvidsjaurense. Schmidle’s drawing shows an incredible 38 granules per semicell in face-view (surely a bit excessiveµm).
Cell dimensions: L: (95-)109-130 µm; B: (70-)77-90 µm, I: 23-30 µm; Th: (46-)50-53 µm; L/B: 1.36-1.49.
Status unknown due to taxonomic confusion. Typical habitat would be acidic moorland pools and bogs.
Kouwets, F.A.C. (in manuscript) European Flora of the Desmid Genus Cosmarium.
Schmidle, W. (1898) Über einige von Knut Bohlin in Pite Lappmark und Vesterbotten gesammelte Süsswasseralgen.