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Bulbochaete nanaFreshwater Alga

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Phylum: Chlorophyta   Family: Oedogoniaceae

Bulbochaete nana V.B. Wittrock ex K.E. Hirn 1900

First described and illustrated by Wittrock [in] Hirn (1900: 349, pl. 57: 362a, 363). Differs from B. mirabilis only in its shorter oogonia.
Cell dimensions: L: 10-22 µm; B: 10-17 µm. Oogonia: 33-40 x 20-25 µm. Oospores: 30-38 x 18-23 µm.
Found in plankton and with marginal-vegetation of lochs, pools, and ditches. Widespread by not too common.

John, D.M., Whitton, B.A. & Brook, A.J. (2011 second edition). The Freshwater Algal Flora of the British Isles.
Mrozinska, T. (1985). Chlorophyta VI. Oedogoniophyceae: Oedogoniales.
Tiffany, L.H. (2018 reprint). The Oedogoniaceae. A monograph including all known species of the genera Bulbochaete, Oedoclamium and Oedogonium.
Wittrock, V.B. [in] Hirn, K.E. (1900). Monographie und iconographie der Oedogoniaceen.